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KMID : 0359019860060010001
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1986 Volume.6 No. 1 p.1 ~ p.4
Effect of Endoscopic Ethanol Injection in Upper G-I Bleeding
ÃÖÇи²/Choi HR
À̺´¿í/ÀÌÁ¤ÀÏ/À念¿î/À帰/¹Î¿µÀÏ/Lee BW/Lee JI/Chang YW/Chang R/Min YI
Upper G-I bleeding is a dangerous situation and effeetive control method without surgery is desirable. A hemostatic technique utilizing the dehydrating and fixative properties of pure ethanol was developed in Japan. This technique was performed through an endoscopic injector, in divided dose of 0,1 ~ 0.2 ml into several spots in the area surrounding the bleeding vessel in patients upper G-I bleeding excluding esophageal varies. We applieii this technique in treatment of 11 cases showing active bleeding of fresh blood clots. Rebleeding occurred in 2 cases(20%) and complete hemostasis was achieved in 9 cases(80%). We think this technique is safe and simple as an endoscopic hemostatic measure.
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